The 21st Century International Educational Models Project (Head: Ryoko Tsuneyoshi)

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The 21st Century International Educational Models Project (Head: Ryoko Tsuneyoshi)

Project Summary

This project is funded by the Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI), Kiban A, No.15H01987, “A Cross-National Research of Japanese Educational Efforts to Meet the Needs of the 21st Century and the Construction of International Models: Exploring Pluralistic Models.” (Head: Ryoko Tsuneyoshi). This project explores educational models from various countries which try to meet the needs of the 21st century, and attempts to build bottom-up educational models from the Japanese (and more widely, the Asian) experience. The working paper series introduces characteristic school practices in Japan, as well as trends in Japanese school education which are relevant. Internationally, because of the Japanese language barrier, information about Japanese school practices has often not been accessible. The project team hopes that introducing such information in English will enable exchange in ideas and information across borders.

  • Relevant Website

The Japanese Model of Educating the Whole Child TOKKATSU

  • Publication

Ryoko Tsuneyoshi , Hiroshi Sugita , Kanako N Kusanagi (University of Tokyo, Japan) and Fumiko Takahashi (eds.)  (2019) Tokkatsu The Japanese Educational Model of Holistic Education



Working Paper Series in The 21st Century International Educational Models Project