
ホーム > 若手研究者育成プロジェクトワーキングペーパー > No.2 学校と教育行政への父母参加制度の日英比較 -イギリスの学校理事会と学校フォーラムの観察を通じて-

No.2 学校と教育行政への父母参加制度の日英比較 -イギリスの学校理事会と学校フォーラムの観察を通じて-


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葛西 耕介

July, 2015


This article aims to comparatively analyse parental participation systems in school-running in Japan and England from the perspective of how parental responsibility and parental wills are reflected and realised in school-running. First the author classifies parental participation systems at both local authority and school level in each country. The author secondly describes the actual situations in England through his observation of 5 meetings of school governing body and its committee, focusing on its agenda and procedure, the role of a chair of governors and a clerk, the difference between a full governing body and a committee meeting and characteristics of the good governing body. The author thirdly deals with Schools Forum in England through interviews with a chair and an officer, examining how it chooses or elects its members in paying attention to the wills of parents. The author argues additional research is needed to further consider whether or not these systems in England can collect and reflect parental voices in school-running, whilst there are more various systems for parents to be involved in England than in Japan.