
ホーム > 附属学校データベースプロジェクトワーキングペーパーシリーズ > No.4 学習内容に対する興味の変化と安定性: ―都内中等教育学校におけるパネル調査データから―

No.4 学習内容に対する興味の変化と安定性: ―都内中等教育学校におけるパネル調査データから―



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川本 哲也,日高 一郎(東京大学)
荒井 惠里子(東京大学教育学部附属中等教育学校)


Stability and Change in Academic Interest:

A Panel Survey of Students in a Secondary School in Tokyo Metropolitan Area


Tetsuya Kawamoto and Ichiro Hidaka

(Center for Advanced School Education and Evidence-based Research, the University of Tokyo)

Eriko Arai

(Secondary School attached to the Faculty of Education, the University of Tokyo)

March, 2020


We examined developmental trends in academic interests during adolescence by using data from a panel survey of students in a secondary school in Tokyo metropolitan area. The panel survey was conducted from fiscal year 2016. A total of 965 students (478 male students, 485 female students, and 2 “unknown”) completed the questionnaire online. Academic interests were measured at three assessments in fiscal year 2016, 2017, and 2018. Results of rank-order stability showed that academic interests were consistently moderately stable across three assessments. Hierarchical linear modeling analyses revealed cumulative mean-level increases of interests in culture and nature averaging approximately 0.2 SD across adolescence. Mean-level of interest in mathematics did not change. In addition, we found significant associations between covariates and the intercepts of academic interests. The intercepts differed according to gender, enrollment year, study time, and after school activities. These findings suggest that academic interests might develop via learning in school and their trajectories might differ according to various factors.