
ホーム > 若手研究者育成プロジェクトワーキングペーパー > No.27 卒業研究 の内容 と卒後の関連の探索 -テキストマイニングによる定量的 分析

No.27 卒業研究 の内容 と卒後の関連の探索 -テキストマイニングによる定量的 分析


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Exploratory Study for Relationships between Graduation Work and Subsequent Situation:
Quantitative Study Using Text Mining

Hiroyuki Kuromiya

April, 2019

As the evidence-based education and research-based active learning are promoted by the government, we demand a quantitative effect analysis of research-based active learning. This study analyzed 738 students’ graduation work and their status after graduation. Data are retrieved from the post-graduation survey conducted in 2018. Our research questions are (1) “what are the strongly related items in the questionnaire to the topics related to student’s investigative attitude?” and (2) “what are the strongly related topics in the thesis to student’s major in the university?”. Our results show that student who used the terms related to “participation activities” tend to participate in volunteer activities even after their graduation and students who used the term related to “analysis” tend to say they are good at logical thinking and avoid unreasonable beliefs. We checked the research theme in graduation research strongly correlated to student’s major at university (e.g. students who choose topic “linguistic” tend to major literature at university). It suggests that research-based active learning can affect students on their career and values.