
ホーム > 若手研究者育成プロジェクトワーキングペーパー > No.20 教員採用における「選考方法の多様化」は 教員の画一化をもたらしたか: 固定効果モデルによる都道府県別パネルデータの分析から

No.20 教員採用における「選考方法の多様化」は 教員の画一化をもたらしたか: 固定効果モデルによる都道府県別パネルデータの分析から





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前田 麦穂

July, 2017


Previous research criticized that the diversification of evaluation methods causes the standardization of the employment of teachers. However, they have not investigated who have been actually employed as teachers. Therefore, this study examines that the diversification of evaluation methods actually causes the standardization of the employment of teachers. Specifically, this research tests the hypothesis below: ・Hypothesis 1: an increase of the evaluation methods that is relevant to educational practices causes an increase of the ratio of the teacher-experienced of the employees. ・Hypothesis 2: an increase of the evaluation methods that is relevant to educational practices causes an increase of the ratio of the graduates of universities for training students to be teachers. These analysis uses the 4 point prefecture-panel data with a fixed effects model. The results shows that the hypothesis 1 was supported in the employment of teachers of junior high schools. On the other hand, the hypothesis 2 was not supported in all cases. As a result, this study concludes the occurrence of standardization of the employment of teachers is partially suggested, but the effects of the diversification of evaluation methods is limited.